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Encounter encouragement during these public and private


May we seek a biblically modeled outpouring of God's life-giving Spirit to empower us with purpose.

Serving in ministry has rewards that are out of this world, (literally). But leaders also carry a heavy burden, experience burnout, and struggle with compassion fatigue. The healthiest and most effective, know when it’s time to “go away to a quiet place and rest”. That’s why we host public and private Prayer + Prophecy Gatherings. Our private gatherings are specifically for ministry leaders and ministry organizations. Our desire as leaders is to create space for the Holy Spirit to minister through us within the supernatural gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. These gifts are for the building up of the Church and should always be demonstrated in a way that bring people closer to Christ. One attendee even said, "There was a fire burning in each one of us that was unexplainable, even through a computer screen."

Our private gatherings offer times of spiritual refreshing by providing a safe place, in person or virtually, for you to receive prayer and prophetic encouragement from the Freedom Creatives ministry team. Our team has gone through training and demonstrate a mature faith within their gifts and personal life. To get started to see if we'd be a great fit to partner together with you and/or your organization in a private prayer gathering, fill out the form below to request more information. Limited dates and times are available.

Name* Required field!
Email* Required field!
Name of your organization. Note: Founders of orgs need to approve this gathering request.* Required field!
Your role in the organization* Required field!
Include your ministry or organizational website* Required field!
Are you and/or your team members familiar with prophecy and the gifts of the Spirit?* Required field!
Wanting to gather for* Required field!
Type of gathering* Required field!
If seeking prayer and prophecy for your organization, how many leaders would you want to be at the gathering? Required field!


from past gatherings

"Thank you for obedience and willing to go into deep waters with your gifts and talents to do what God has called you to do. This is needed in this hour/season where lives are being distorted due to the unknown atmosphere."

Audrey K.

attendee at Prayer and Prophecy Night 2022

"The prayer was powerful and the Holy Spirit was present. There was a fire burning in each one of us that was unexplainable, even through a computer screen. The prophetic word spoken over our ministry was so closely aligned to what we all have been feeling. We left amazed at how well Jenny, Monique and Lonette knew us, without ever meeting us before. They were the encouragement God knew we needed to spark the desires He had already placed on our hearts, as a ministry and individually."

Brenna K.

attendee at a private leadership gathering in 2022

"I felt so encouraged in my journey in trying to get pregnant and the future of our family. It gave me a renewed hope and increase in faith!" 

Ainsley B.

attendee at Prayer and Prophecy Night 2021

"It had been just a month since an unexpected return from servings as a missionary to the deaf in Central America for the past 9.5 years and reverse culture shock and grief was setting, in addition to experiencing a dark night of the soul for the past 10 years as well. My heart was tender to say the least. 

I showed up a few days into the 10 day prayer gathering and each day was a new topic. The topic for that particularly day 'happened' to be 'missionaries'. I sat sobbing, soaking in every prayer being spoken aloud for those serving overseas for the sake of the gospel. We have been so blessed during our time overseas, but often times it felt lonely as as though we had been forgotten, out of sight out of mind right? But that moment was a reminder of the countless faithful saints and churches that had been lifting us up in prayer throughout our time and we had no ideas!

Each prayer that was prayed felt like balm to my aching heart and something I will cherish when we are back overseas and feeling the same way again. Afterwards a few of the prayer team leaders approached me to introduce themselves and ask if they could pray for me. 


I finally was able to say, you just spent the last hour praying for me along with hundreds of thousands of my fellow missionaries around the world, and for that I am extremely grateful!

Jesus blessed my heart so much in a new place with new people. He was at work here, just like the place I had been dedicating my life to for so many years. 

And as I joined the prayer gatherings the following day He allowed me to hear from Him in a way I hadn't in many years.

A few days before I had journaled some specific observation He has showed me about the story of the woman with the blood issue. That morning God told me it was for someone. I noticed the woman next to me and I asked if there was anything I could pray with her about. She shared about a 4 specific needs regarding a friend. And to her surprise and mine, I spend my journal form the woman with the blood issue and I had journaled those specific 4 things as seen in that story!

I love how God uses the body to encourage and build one another up with His word and His love! I am grateful for the people that encouraged me and I am grateful that God saw fit to use me to encourage someone else. I am grateful for Freedom Creatives in being faithful to provide a space for all this to happen! Glory to God!

Jessie F.

attendee at Pray Ten, our localized prayer event

"I just really enjoy being around other people who believe in the power of prayer!"

Anna S.

attendee at Pray Ten, our localized prayer event

"So many of the words and prayers you all have spoken tonight the Lord has been speaking to me for this year. I feel that God is confirming those words through you. Thank you so much!"

Sandra G.

attendee at Prayer and Prophecy Night 2022

"All of it was so encouraging and so on point. My prayer at the beginning of last year was 'I want to see God do things in and through my life that only He can do' and that was so confirmed tonight in multiple words.

The encouragement was so good. I have been so discouraged and heavy the past 8 days and tonight the Lord ripped me out of the funk that the enemy was keeping me in.

Every word that was given are things that have been spoken already or confirmation of something the Lord is speaking to me or has spoken in the past."

Avery F.

attendee at Prayer and Prophecy Night 2022

"You all ministered to me personally on a deep level that I needed. I feel seen, encouraged, strengthened and equipped to carry on with the calling God has placed on my life. I felt the glory of the Lord's presence tangibly, and it was absolutely beautiful. The prayer and prophecy call set the tone for our entire weekend retreat for our team. Thank you for being vessels to deliver encouragement, admonishment, healing and hope for the Kingdom."

Katie G.

attendee at a private leadership gathering in 2022

"I just really enjoy being around other people who believe in the power of prayer!"

Anna S.

attendee at Pray Ten, our localized prayer event

"I was so incredibly encouraged by the word you shared for me, here’s some backstory. 2020 for me (like so many others) was an extremely challenging year. I experienced heartbreak like I never had before, and I work as a Physician Assistant in an ER so the pandemic also brought new fears I had never experienced.  Looking back at my prayer journals in January 2020, I had prayed that it would be a year that God would radically change me, increase/develop my prayer life and increase my faith… and God did all of that, just through situations I did not expect.  As I was praying about how I wanted to grow in 2021, I felt like God was putting it on my heart to pray that he would show me the spiritual gifts he is developing in me, and that he would grow supernatural fruit in me.  

While watching the prayer night, I prayed that if God had a specific word for me that he would make it clear, not expecting to be prayed for directly! And then you spoke about me having a gift of compassion, which surprised me, and at first I wasn’t sure of how to take it.  Everything else you and the other prayer team member said (the pastoral/shepherding heart and spending time with Jesus) absolutely described me. Discipleship and encouraging people in their walks with Christ is very close to my heart.  

Compassion is not something that I see as one of my natural strengths. But I realized that in the past year, I have seen a huge increase in compassion and empathy, and that it has grown in me as I’ve taken my pain/fears/heartbreak to Jesus. This has especially influenced how I have cared for my patients and with my high school girls at youth group. This new compassion and empathy has felt overwhelming and even crippling at times, when the problems are so far beyond what I can do—but this was a huge encouragement to keep loving people well and to trust that God is working through my small acts of obedience. 

A few days ago, it hit me that God is supernaturally growing compassion in me.  Like you said at the prayer night, it is a gift from him."

Liz M.

attendee from Prayer and Prophecy Night 2021

"I’ve been in the season of releasing for a few years. My heart has been healed. 

Diana B.
attendee at Prayer and Prophecy Night 2022

©2017-2022  Jenny Randle + Freedom Creatives | 1997 Sadler Rd #15002, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 | Phone: (315) 726-3532 | Design By Yellow Chair Creatives

Freedom Creatives Inc is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

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